A trading junk with sail towing a smaller boat
Cockle pickers gathering shell fish, and Zhejiang Road Bridge, Shanghai
Sampans moored near a bridge and an icehouse
A battleship and other boats on the Huangpu River, Shanghai
A pagoda by a river
George Johnson at a Shanghai Rowing Club event, Huangpu River
Wharf of the Osaka Steam Ship Company, French Concession, Tientsin
Ferryboat, Tientsin
Jintang Bridge (Chin Tang Bridge) and the Metropolitan Police Board, Tianjin
Agricultural worker; wind-powered irrigation
Soldiers guarding gate; sunk shipping; artillery
Aerial view of east part of French Concession, Tianjin - with Japanese aeroplanes
Shirakawa, Nihon Wharf and Mitsui & Co., Ltd., Tientsin
Aerial view of the Japanese Concession, Tientsin
Aerial view of Jintang Bridge (Chin Tang Bridge), canal and rivers, Tianjin
Flooding, near Hai Guang Si Temple, Tientsin, 1939
S.S. Ming Yuen (民元) anchored off Jingzhou (沙市)
Landing stage (a hulk), Yangtze River, east of Luzhou
Taking soundings in the shallows, on SS Ming Yuen, Yangtze River
A timber yard beside Yangtze River, Luzhou