Two men with a display of woven anklebands
Boy winding thread onto reels for weaving
Boy working at a carpet loom
Carpet makers trimming a carpet with scissors
Man hammering a design into a metal sheet in a workshop that makes iron pictures
Man working with heated metal plates at a forge in a workshop that makes iron pictures
Man impressing cloth or paper onto a sooted metal sheet with a cloth bundle in a workshop that makes iron pictures
Man laying a piece of cloth or paper on a metal sheet coated with soot in a workshop that makes iron pictures
Man coating a sheet of metal with soot in a workshop that makes iron pictures
Man impressing a relief pattern onto a metal sheet in a workshop that makes iron pictures
Man inking a design onto a piece of paper in a workshop that makes iron pictures
Man placing a paper stencil over a metal sheet in a workshop that makes iron pictures
Man working at a forge in a workshop that makes iron pictures
Artist making a scroll painting
Man watching an artist making a scroll painting on silk
Coppersmith heating a piece of metal in a workshop
Boys heating metalworking tools in a workshop that makes iron pictures
Boy using a hammer and tongs to bring out the relief work in a workshop that makes iron pictures
Man smoothing the edge of an iron picture with a brush in a workshop that makes iron pictures