Frank, Herbert and Gina Brady

Frank, Herbert and Gina Brady


University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Hi-s144. From left to right: Frank Brady (1890-1981), Herbert Francis Brady (1854-1924) and Gina (Georgina) Brady (1868-1964). Gina Brady (née Marshall Hole) was the younger half-sister to Charles, Walter, Harry, Eleanor, and Guy (who were children born to Eliza May Hillier and Charles Batten Hillier). Eliza Mary Hillier re-married in 1864, to Charles Marshall Hole. Gina was the wife of Herbert F. Brady, of the British Consular Service. Herbert Francis Brady rose from Chinese interpreter to British consul during his thirty-year career in China. He assembled two extant photograph albums, containing photographs he had collected, dating from 1873 to 1906, now held by the Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles: “Bo lan Zhonghua tu zhi” (Pictorial journal of viewing China) – see 'Brush & Shutter, Early Photography in China' by Jeffrey W. Cody and Frances Terpak (Getty Research Institute, 2011). See Ca02-106.

Estimated Date





Black and white photograph

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