'The Little Orphan' Island (小孤山), Yangtze river, c.1890

University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Hu-s10. Photo is captioned in ink on the mount: Little Orphan (also in Chinese). Additional captioning written in biro in more recent times: "(Little Orphan) in middle of Yangtze River. Steered past at full speed, in the dark, without a pilot, by Captain Kerans in H.M.S. 'Amethyst’ escaping from the Communists". Lt. Cdr. J.S. Kerans captained the ‘Amethyst’ during the Yangtze Incident 1949. The Little Orphan (Xiaogushan), Anking (Anqing), Anhwei province (Anhui Sheng).
Caption in album or on mount
Little Orphan / In middle of Yangtze River / Steered past at full speed, in the dark, without a pilot, by Captain Kerans in ‘H.M.S. Amethyst’ escaping from the Communists