British children at a temporary school at Pei Tai Ho, 1937

University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: SB-s20. Sheila Bovell wrote: September 1937 at Pei Tai Ho. The story behind this photo is this: Normally we would be back in Shanghai by now (I can only presume we all came from Shanghai) so “school” was organised for us. Mothers bought every last ounce of wool in the shops to knit warmer things for us. The Japanese ?occupation of Shanghai caused the difficulties, and my mind is blank about our eventual voyage down the coast. Once home I have strong memories of the sound of bombing in the City, and windows rattling. Joy Kelsey is middle of top row. Sheila Kelsey is first from the right, fourth row. Penelope Cassels (later Fowler) is first from the right, third row.
Caption in album or on mount
Self top row of children. Penny Cassels (Fowler) in front of me. Sister Joy, centre of 3 adults.