War damage near Kwenming Road and Chusan Road, Shanghai, 1937
Ruins in Chaoufoong Road and Tongshan Road, Shanghai, 1937
War damage at East Yuhang Road and Singkeipang Road, Shanghai, 1937
War damage in Broadway Road near Kungping Road, Shanghai, 1937
War damage at Paoting Road near Ward Road, Shanghai, 1937
A dead woman, Tungchow Road near Hailar Road, Shanghai, 1937
The floating corpse of a man, under Kiangse Road Bridge, Soochow Creek, Shanghai, August 1937
The corpse of a man in Soochow Creek, near Kiangse Road Bridge, August 1937
The remains of cremated bodies, Wuchow Road Market, Shanghai, September 1937
Burnt remains of corpses, Tungchow Road, Shanghai, October 1937
The corpse of a man floating in Soochow Creek, Shanghai, August 1937
The remains of the cremation of several bodies, Yuenfong Road, Shanghai, September 1937
The bloated corpse of a man, floating in Soochow Creek, Shanghai, August 1937
The corpse of a man, floating in Soochow Creek under Kiangse Road Bridge, Shanghai, August 1937
Corpses adrift on a wreck, Soochow Creek, Shanghai, August 1937
The corpse of a man with his hands tied behind his back, floating in Soochow Creek, Shanghai, August 1937
Corpse of Chinese soldier holding a hand grenade, Shanghai, August 1937
Dead Chinese soldiers, Kungping Road and East Seward Road, Shanghai, August 1937
Dead Chinese soldier, Chusan Road and Kwenming Road, Shanghai, August 1937