The stage, Tian Fei Gong (天妃宫 / Tianfei Palace), a Mazu Temple, Ningbo (宁波市)
The main hall, Tian Fei Gong (天妃宫 / Tianfei Palace), a Mazu Temple, Ningbo (宁波市)
Randeng Ta (Tongzhou Pagoda), Tongzhou, near Beijing
The White Stupa at the Miaoying Temple, Beijing
Entrance to the Huihuiying Mosque (回回营清真寺遗存), Beijing
The White Pagoda or White Dagoba (白塔), Qionghua Island, and Beihai Lake, Beijing
The White Marble Bridge, Yuhe (Jade River), Beijing
Bronze incense burner at the Yonghe Temple (雍和宮) ‘The Lama Temple’, Beijing
The Bell Tower, Yonghe Temple (雍和宮) ‘The Lama Temple’, Beijing
At the Yonghe Temple (雍和宮) ‘The Lama Temple’, Beijing
The Bell Tower (Zhonglou 钟楼), Beijing
Snuff shop and clockmakers, Beijing
The British Legation, Beijing
Entrance to the French Legation, Beijing
Marble pond and bridge, Longevity Hill (万寿山 Wanshoushan), New Summer Palace, Beijing
The Bronze Pagoda (宝云阁) at Longevity Hill (万寿山 Wanshoushan), Summer Palace, Beijing, protected from thieves
Ruins at Suzhou Market Street (苏州街; Suzhoujie), Yiheyuan, Summer Palace, Beijing, including the triple-arched bridge
Ruins of Zhijing Pavilion, on an island in West Lake, Beijing
Xiuyi Bridge (绣漪桥), Kunming Lake, Summer Palace, Beijing
Customs Office (浙海洋关), Ningbo