Gordon Campbell with Butterfield & Swire Nanjing office staff, 1933

University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Bi-s001. Gordon Campbell is ‘myself’/’my’, sitting in the centre of this photograph. Campbell was the Butterfield & Swire Shipping Agent in charge at Nanjing at the time this photograph was taken. He was known as ‘Chota’ Campbell, as he was not tall like so many B&S company men (and had served in the Indian Army). For a summary of his career and personal recollections, see his WikiSwire entry.
Caption on photograph
Nanking Office Staff - March 1933. Reading from Left to Right. Top Row: Wong Chiao Chien, Chan Ping Fai, Wong Foo Hai, Huang Jui Gen, Chen Gen Fai, Wang I Chang, Chang Yu Hung. Front Row: Hanson Bow, H.B. Williamson (asst.), Chow King Tong (Compradore), Myself, Stuart Deas (my successor), Wong I San, Wei Li Ming.