The South Gate to Heaven, Mount Tai 泰山, Shandong, with Sun Yat-sen slogans

The South Gate to Heaven, Mount Tai 泰山, Shandong, with Sun Yat-sen slogans


University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: FD-s235. The South Gate of Heaven (Nan Tian Men) on Mount Tai (Tai Shan 泰山), north of Tai'an, Shandong (Taianfu, Shantung) is one of the Five Sacred Mountains of China and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Chinese characters on the photograph: 南天門 Nan tian men = South Gate to Heaven. Above the entrance, on the first floor: 天下為公 Tianxia wei gong = All under heaven belongs to all (this was a famous aphorism by Sun Yat-sen). Above the gateway: 南天門 Nan tian men = South Gate to Heaven. On the left of the gateway: 共有共治共享 gongyou gongzhi gongxiang meaning something like ‘public ownership, public rule, public enjoyment’. On the right of the gateway: [族 zu] 民族 minzu = nation / nationalism; 民權 minquan = Democracy; 民生 minsheng = People’s livelihood (i.e. The Three Principles of the People - Sun Yat-sen). See See FD-s233, FD-s234, FD-s236, FD-s237 and FD-s238.



Estimated Date





Black and white photograph


University of Bristol Library, Special Collections

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