Hung Lo Fu, home of Ma Tsen-wu, & Pan Ch'iao, home of Ma Chin-hsi. Grave of Ma Min-hsin, father of Ma Hua-lung.

Hung Lo Fu, home of Ma Tsen-wu, & Pan Ch'iao, home of Ma Chin-hsi.  Grave of Ma Min-hsin, father of Ma Hua-lung.




Historical Photographs of China album reference: Hv47. Rev. Claude L. Pickens, Jr.'s trip to northwest China, part 2. Grave of Ma Mingxin, Hung Lo Fu, near Jinji, Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu. General note: Excerpt from unpublished photo essay, plate 48: "Ma Min-hsin was a leader of the Djaharia Order in Chinese Islam. At his grave at Hung Lo Fu, Ningsia pilgrims come from all over China. In this glass-enclosed room in front of the grave prayers are said and the Koran is read. Ma Tsen-wu is now the head of this branch." Access to original photographs and albums in the Rev. Claude L. Pickens, Jr. Collection is restricted. Photographs and images from the collection may be reproduced only with written permission. Contact the Harvard-Yenching Library for permissions and fees.






Black and white photograph


Harvard-Yenching Library, USA

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