In the Great Hsia. A Tsinghai flour mill. Wheel on left revolving. Bottom stone of mill above revolves. Upper stone suspended by a number of ropes.

In the Great Hsia.  A Tsinghai flour mill.  Wheel on left revolving.  Bottom stone of mill above revolves.  Upper stone suspended by a number of ropes.




Historical Photographs of China album reference: Hv44. Dr. Samuel M. Zwemer's visit to China, part 1. First part of an album containing photographs taken by Christian missionaries Claude L. Pickens, Jr. and Carter Holton. Flour mills, Huang Shui Valley, Qinghai Sheng. General note: Excerpt from unpublished photo essay, plate 5: "A typical flour-mill used and controlled by Moslems along the Tibetan border. The wheel on the left is kept in motion by the force of the water striking the blades as in a turbine. Above in the mill the upper stone of the mill does not revolve, as we would expect, but is held stationary by more than twenty suspended ropes. The lower stone revolves and grinds the grain against the one above. Access to original photographs and albums in the Rev. Claude L. Pickens, Jr. Collection is restricted. Photographs and images from the collection may be reproduced only with written permission. Contact the Harvard-Yenching Library for permissions and fees.



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Black and white photograph


Harvard-Yenching Library, USA

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