Picton Roxborough, Fanny Wright and Jessica Lait in the musical comedy ‘A Chinese Honeymoon’
Ada Reeve in the musical comedy ‘San Toy’
Gabrielle Ray as a Chinese paper lantern in the comic opera ‘See-See’
An entrance to the Hong Kong Pavilion, British Empire Exhibition, Wembley, London
Luo Fenglu (Sir Chih Chen Lo Feng Luh ; 罗丰禄), Chinese Minister in London
Li Hongzhang (李鸿章), in London, 1896
Sir Claude Macdonald, British Minister in Beijing
Dr Eleanor Whitworth Mitchell (née Perkins)
George Nicoll, missionary, China Inland Mission
'Satow Castle', Middlesex
Jones Lamprey
China Association dinner to Sir Robert Hart, London
Sir Robert Hart, 1908
J.H. Scott, President of the China Association
Dame Rachel Eleanor Crowdy