Children in fancy dress, 1924
Group holding teacups
Portrait of a young woman in fancy dress (as Annie Oakley?)
Fancy dress party
Garden party at the residence of Sir Robert Hart, Beijing, 1900
A man and a woman wearing fancy dress
Marjorie Ephgrave with a group of children in front of a Christmas tree
Marjorie Ephgrave with a group of children, Shanghai
Peggie Clements with a Christmas tree, Shanghai
Two Royal Navy personnel at a Christmas party, Hong Kong
Royal Navy men ready for a Christmas Party, Hong Kong
Royal Navy personnel resting after a Christmas party, Hong Kong
Wang Jingwei, Zhang Tailei and Mikhail Borodin
Christmas Dinner 1902, Commissioner’s House, Nanking
New Year's Day 1903, at American Consulate, Nanking
Customs staff during a meal at Nanking
Reception at the Military College, Nanking
'At Home', Cambridge Villa, Nanjing
Dinner in Hong Kong, with tennis star Wei Wing-lock (韋榮洛)
A wedding in Canton